Beginning of the production of gas pressure regulators of RDU and RDK types

In 1994, the Kontakt LLC, Druzhkovksy gas equipment plant, actively cooperated with UkrNDIGas,  the largest scientific center of the gas industry in Ukraine. Due to partnership relations, the Kontakt LLC  intensively developed and completely mastered the production of pressure regulators of the RDU type of all nominal sizes and models of the RDK type with a lateral diaphragm positioning.


Equipment of the RDU type is used at the following facilities:

Gas distribution stations.

Gas purification and dehydration installations.

Compressor stations.

Technological complexes of the gas field.

Along with the equipment for pressure regulation, the plant begins production of purification magnetic pistons.


In 1994, the first cupboard-type devices, designed to reduce high gas pressure to household values of 0.002 Pa, were also produced.


The plant produces pressure regulators of six types, such as RDU, RDU-T, RDU-M, RDO-E, RDS and RDDS.

The Kontakt LLC offers active cooperation to all interested in regulators for the facilities of the main pipeline.

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